• 1 Register
  • 2 Entries
  • 3 Review
  • 4 Pay
  • 5 Confirm
  • 6 Finish
Welcome to the online entry process for Design in Wood, Exhibition of Fine Art, Exhibition of Photography and Gems, Minerals, & Jewelry.
Please read the entry information before you enter.
To begin, click the Sign In link on the top-right hand corner of this screen and, on the next page, select Exhibitor in the dropdown to register. Administrator is for staff use only.
Note: All past Exhibitors are considered new each year. We do not store past accounts or passwords.
Sessions expire after 20 minutes of inactivity so save the cart if you step away from your device.
There will be NO refunds once you have completed the registration process. It’s important to pay close attention when entering your items, so you can avoid duplicating an entry, or any other errors that may occur.
If you are unclear about how to register, how to upload your files (where applicable), or how to log-in or change your exhibitor/entry information, email us at entry@sdfair.com or call our Entry Office at (858) 792-4207 for assistance.